Welcome to Suren Concscious World!

Buddham saranam gacchami
Dhammam saranam gacchami
Sangham saranam gacchami

Three Jewels of Buddhism are Buddha, the Dharma, and therefore the Sangha and by reaching or by surrendering oneself to those three heals one from all sufferings which journey starts with taking refuge in Buddha Dhamma Sangha.



Believe in yourself

Everything you’ve got in your life may be a result of your belief in yourself and therefore the belief that it’s possible. Here are the four most vital steps to learning the way to believe yourself. Practice them and you’ll be amazed at the results:

Believe it’s possible. Believe that you simply can roll in the hay no matter what anyone says or where you’re in life.

Visualize  believe exactly what your life would appear as if if you had already achieved your dream.

Act as if. Always act in a way that’s according to where you would like to travel.

Take action towards your goals. don’t let fear stop you, nothing happens in life until you’re taking action.

Mr. Suren helps individuals to become the best version in their lives.

No worries! He helps people who have lost in the life cycle to take the control of their life back and start doing things to make their dream come true. 


Today, you have taken another step in your journey towards growth and well-being. As a life coach, He can help you tap into your inherent strengths and uncover your true potential. Helping you understand and resolve challenges in your life is his focus. Through enhancing your personal tools, He can help you overcome life’s painful experiences and help you grow in all areas of your life. Whether you’re just looking for guidance through a difficult situation or you’re looking to empower yourself and head in a new direction in life, He can help you achieve your goals. You can contact him for a consultation today and start your journey in living a life you love.